Mensaje del Secretario General del Partido Comunista de Ucrania a los militantes del partido

23.02.2014 Queridos camaradas comunistas, Me dirijo a ustedes en uno de los momentos más dramáticos en la historia de nuestro país. Durante los trágicos acontecimientos de los últimos tres meses, se ha derramado sangre, ha muerto gente. La integridad territorial de Ucrania se ha visto amenazada, su existencia misma como Estado soberano, independiente y unido.

Statement of the Council of the Union of the Communist Parties-Сommunist parties of the Soviet Union

Today the representatives of the so-called “right sector” and in fact fascists and barbarians, who can hardly be identified as civilized human beings, committed a crime, that gives a clear understanding what kind of forces Ukraine faces in these tragic times nowadays. Subhumans, striving for the interests which are alein to the interests and values …

Statement of the Council of the Union of the Communist Parties-Сommunist parties of the Soviet Union Read More »

Urgent! The office of the Communist Party of Ukraine has been attacked and damaged

The developments in Ukraine take the most dramatic chatacter. The CPRF International department has got the recent news that in Kiev, the capital of Ukraine, an outrageously behaving gang of well-prepared militatnts attacked the head-quarters of the Communist Party of Ukraine. Unknown bandidts attacked the premisies of the CPU, broke the windows and damaged the …

Urgent! The office of the Communist Party of Ukraine has been attacked and damaged Read More »