Condolences of the CC of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation  on the death of Nguyen Phu Trong, Secretary General of the CC of the Communist Party of Vietnam.

To the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Vietnam, To comrade To Lam, the President of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam. Dear comrades!     The Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation and all Russian communists express deep sorrow over the death of Comrade Nguyen Phu Trong,  Secretary General of the …

Condolences of the CC of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation  on the death of Nguyen Phu Trong, Secretary General of the CC of the Communist Party of Vietnam. Read More »

congratulation on  successful results of the elections to the European Parliament.

Dear comrades! We congratulate you on  successful results of the elections to the European Parliament. The parliamentary podium still remains a significant element in our struggle, and the increasing representation of Communist MPs in the European Parliament will allow us to make a greater contribution to the struggle for workers’ interests, social progress and world …

congratulation on  successful results of the elections to the European Parliament. Read More »

Sobre el Pleno del Comité Central del PCFR

                        El 25 de mayo de 2024 se celebró el IX Pleno conjunto del Comité Central y la Comisión central de Control y auditoría del PCFR, que examinó la cuestión de la unión de las fuerzas antifascistas en la lucha contra el imperialismo, la reacción y la amenaza militar a la luz de los acontecimientos …

Sobre el Pleno del Comité Central del PCFR Read More »

                            On the CC CPRF Plenum

                            The IX joint Plenum of the Central Committee of the CPRF and the Central Control and Auditing Commission of the CPRF  held on May 25, 2024 wasdevoted to the question of uniting anti-fascist forces in the struggle against imperialism, reaction and the military threat in light of the developments in the world with special …

                            On the CC CPRF Plenum Read More »

the results of participation of the Communist candidate in the 2024 presidential election

On March 18, the  press conference was held to summarize the results of participation of the Communist candidate in the 2024 presidential election.   At the opening ceremony, the Communist Party Chairman Gennady Zyuganov congratulated all Russian citizens with the successful completion of elections, highlighted  that more than 77% of Russians participated in the voting …

the results of participation of the Communist candidate in the 2024 presidential election Read More »

The CPRF Candidate N. Kharitonov continues meeting people and touring around Russia.

On March 11, the CPRF candidate for Presidency Nikolay Kharitonov met the party activists, supporters and journalists in the center of Moscow as part of the “Red in the City” campaign.     The candidate spoke of his recent regional trips and meetings with the staff of various enterprises. He presented the CPRF Program, leaflets, newspapers …

The CPRF Candidate N. Kharitonov continues meeting people and touring around Russia. Read More »