CPRF sends its Condolences

To the Paraguayan Communist Party Central Committee Dear Comrades, With deep sorrow did we learn on the death of comrade Ananias Maidana. True communist-revolutionary passed away, whose whole life was dedicated to the fight for freedom, democracy and the rights of ordinary people. A. Maidana was a great friend of the Soviet people. We will …

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The CPRF sends fraternal greetings to the CPA

To the Communist Party of Australia cpa@cpa.org.au Dear Comrades, On behalf of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Russian Federation we warmly welcome you, members of the Communist Party of Australia! Dear friends please accept our fraternal greetings on the occasion of your Party 90th Anniversary.

CPRF opposes the falsification of history

Statement by the Presidium of the CPRF Central Committee “The falsification of the Soviet history must be stopped!”  2010-10-19 16:14:19 Press Service of the CPRF Central Committee Falsification of the Soviet period history has become one of the main instruments of ideological warfare, being waged constantly against the peoples of Russia by unfriendly foreign and …

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Nina Ostanina thanks you

Dear Comrades and Friends! I am very grateful to all of you for letters of solidarity and support sent to my address. Your kind and sincere words have touched me greatly, giving me new strength and confirming the rightness of my position. I have received a much-needed support in the daily struggle for justice and …

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