Socialism is genuine freedom
Speech by the Chairman of the CC CPRF Gennady Zyuganov at the 19th International Meeting of Communist and Workers’ Parties
Speech by the Chairman of the CC CPRF Gennady Zyuganov at the 19th International Meeting of Communist and Workers’ Parties
On November 7th, 2017 in New York at the Center for Worker Education a conference was held on the occasion of the 100th anniversary of the Russian revolution on the initiative «1917 Centenary Committee» with the support of «Workers and Society» journal. We publish the video message of Dr Tetekin, which was sent to the …
Greeting of Dr Vyacheslav Tetekin to the left forces in New York Read More »
¡Estimados delegados e invitados del Congreso! Queda atrás el período de balance cuyo inicio fue dado por el XV Congreso del partido. La etapa finalizada fue marcada por los acontecimientos muy importantes y, a veces, muy dramáticos. Ha llegado la hora de hacer el balance de la labor de cuatro años y señalar los nuevos …
Informe político del Comité Central al ХVII Congreso del PCFR Read More »
Delegates and guests of the Congress, We have left behind us the report period for which the start was made by the XV Congress. This stage was full of highly important, sometimes dramatic events. The time has come to review the results of the work over the past four years and set new benchmarks.
El año 2017 entrará en la historia de la Humanidad bajo el signo del Centenario de la Gran Revolución Socialista de Octubre. ¡Esta es la convicción de los comunistas rusos! ¡Así piensan todas las personas progresistas de la Humanidad! Los acontecimientos en octubre de 1917 no solamente estremecieron al mundo por su grandioso alcance sino …
The year 2017 will go down in history as the year of the centenary of the Great October Socialist Revolution. This is the opinion of Russian communists. This is what all progressive humankind thinks. The events of October 1917 did not only shake the world by their sheer scale and grandeur, but laid the foundation …