
The CPRF is for a constitution of justice and rule by the people. Statement of the Presidium of the Central Committee of the CPRF

July 1 has been announced as the date of voting on amendments to the Russian Constitution. Someofthemareimportantandpromising. However, on the whole they are not conducive to renunciation of presidential rule by fiat and the power of the oligarchy. The amendments introduced do not make Russia a social state. They do not protect society from the …

The CPRF is for a constitution of justice and rule by the people. Statement of the Presidium of the Central Committee of the CPRF Read More »

The Country’s Russian Core

The systemic crisis, which has been aggravated by the pandemic of a previously unknown virus and the plummeting of the world prices of raw materials, has laid bare the catastrophic costs of the capitalist system. These costs are manifesting themselves all over the planet. They clearly indicate that the “liberal paradise” does not exist anywhere …

The Country’s Russian Core Read More »

Legado ideológico de V.I. Lenin y la lucha de los trabajadores por el socialismo en el siglo XXI

Informe del Aniversario presentado por el Presidente del CC del PCFR G.A.Ziugánov en el X Pleno del Comité Central del Partido El período de vida de las grandes ideas se mide con siglos y milenios. Respondiendo a los anhelos de las personas comunes y corrientes, estas ideas viven dentro del pueblo y le inspiran a …

Legado ideológico de V.I. Lenin y la lucha de los trabajadores por el socialismo en el siglo XXI Read More »

What will happen after coronavirus!

While giving comments on suggested amendments to the Constitution of the Russian Federation Sergey Obukhov, CPRF CC Secretary, Doctor of Political Science in his recent interview stressed the high level of division in Russian society in respect to this issue.