and the battle goes on …

     September 19 opened the autumn session of the State Duma where the CPRF leader Gennady Zyuganov highlighted  the main tasks of the Party for the coming period.

     Among the basic tasks the Party leader stressed out the need of overall  mobilization, unity and inevitable victory in the struggle for preservation of the “Russian World”, as well as its identity, history, language and statehood.           G. Zyuganov noted that the change should start with yourself and gave examples of successful regions governed by communists A. Klychkov and V. Konovalov. The “red” governors pay much attention to social, cultural, educational and economic areas and demonstrate on their own experience the advantages of the socialist system of organization and management, that can and should be implemented in other regions of Russia.

    For the past 30 years CPRF has been carefully analyzing the experience of the Soviet state, presenting and promoting its programs and initiatives applicable to nowadays realities. Obviously, the post-Soviet course gives no solutions to meet the strategic tasks facing the country: it is possible to propose and implement minor solutions, but it is impossible to achieve real economic sovereignty of the country and breakthrough in new technologies. Now it is the time to turn to the socialist experience of the USSR, which successfully existed for many decades behind the “Iron Curtain”.

   Zyuganov also spoke of the recent regional elections, traditionally held with violations. The summer months turned hard for the Communists. We note, that falsification of election results and lack of dialogue leads to disunity of society and threatens the future of Russia. The Communist Party refuses to recognize the election results in some regions and intends to fight for an honest investigation and revision of results therein.

   Summing up his speech, the leader of the Communist Party noted, that the socialist path of development is the only right and fair one for our country, and the fact is confirmed by historical experience and nowadays realities. We are glad, that more and more people now tend to understand and accept this axiom, and the Communist Party will continue to popularize the ideas of socialism in society.

CPRF CC International Department