congratulation on  successful results of the elections to the European Parliament.

Dear comrades!

We congratulate you on  successful results of the elections to the European Parliament.

The parliamentary podium still remains a significant element in our struggle, and the increasing representation of Communist MPs in the European Parliament will allow us to make a greater contribution to the struggle for workers’ interests, social progress and world peace.

The joint struggle of the communist and workers’ parties within the broad anti-imperialist and anti-fascist front will certainly enhance our common potential and allow us to achieve a greater success.

Communists of the Russian Federation, the Union of UPC-CPSU, have been always loyal to proletarian internationalism being among the active fighters against imperialism, for socialism.

Wish you a great success in struggle,

                                                                                   G.A. Zyuganov

                                                                                    Chairman of the CPRF CC