Congratulations on the 90-th anniversary of the foundation of the KPL

Communist party of Luxemburg
Dear comrades,
Communists of Russia send you their heartfelt and warm congratulations on the wonderful jubilee – the 90-th anniversary of the foundation of the Communist Party of Luxemburg (KPL). Communists of Luxemburg may be proud of their glorious history, within these years you have covered a long way of struggle for a better future of the working people. The KPL made a big contribution to our common fight against fascism, having paid the highest price for our joint victory.
Today as never before it is necessary to unite our actions in the struggle against capitalist exploitation, aggressive imperialism and anticommunism.
We are sure that the Communist Party of Luxemburg will remain in the first ranks of the international communist movement.
With fraternal greetings
Presidium of the Central Committee
of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation